Premier Mudaraba Remittance Savers Account

Shari’ah Principles of Mudaraba Accounts

Mudaraba is an Islamic financial partnership contract where one partner provides capital (Raab-al-Maal) and the other partner provides labor (Mudarib). Income generated from the venture is distributed between the partners with a predetermined Profit Sharing Ratio (PSR) and Weightage. All profit bearing deposit products are operated in Mudaraba principles.

Premier Mudaraba Remittance Savers Account

(A special savings account for the purpose of remittance)

  • Profit bearing transactional account, calculated monthly and payable on half yearly basis
  • Opening balance Tk. 1,000.00
  • Special discount on fees & commission for passport endorsement
  • 24/7 Cash withdrawal facility with debit card for proprietorship concern
  • No online banking transaction charge
  • pmoney digital banking facility
  • Debit card and maintenance fees are waived upon receiving at least one cash remittance in account in a year.

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