Corporate social responsibility (CSR) differs from place to place, industry to industry and over time. We are a bank that works hard to help our customers and communities to thrive. When they succeed, so do we. We have demonstrated that belief throughout our 16 years history of providing for our customers, employing a strong and diverse workforce, and helping our communities to find solutions for social, economic, and environmental issues.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has permeated management practice and theory up to a point where CSR can be referred to as the latest management fad.
As an organization, we’ve certainly changed over the past 17 years, but our commitment to social responsibility and corporate citizenship has not faltered; in fact, it’s only strengthened. It is part of our Vision & Values and it’s how we do business every day.
The Premier Bank since its inception in 1999 had adopted the policy of contributing to the social cause. It has been continuing its effort during the last 17 years as a pioneer in the banking sector. Be it education, charity, games & sports, environment, science, health care or talent development, The Bank’s social commitment was felt everywhere.
The Premier Bank Ltd. approaches corporate social responsibility in five discerning dimensions:
- Economic responsibility – to earn profit for owners
- Legal responsibility – to comply with the law (society’s codification of right and wrong)
- Ethical responsibility – not acting just for profit but doing what is right, just and fair
- Voluntary and philanthropic – promoting human welfare and goodwill
- Being a good corporate citizen : contributing to the community and the quality of life
Economic responsibility – to earn profit for owners
We want to create more values for our shareholders with a good return on their investment and are committed to protect their long long-term interest. We are aware to maintain our financials and ratios strong and better than industry standard. Our dividend history gives an account of our commitment to our shareholders. We have paid striking stock dividend during the last several years. Amidst challenging scenario in 2016, we are pleased to announce 10% cash dividend and 2% stock dividend. To ensure sound & steady growth, the Bank is intending to explore unexplored opportunities and well-set to seize every opportunity in the coming years.
Legal responsibility – to comply with the Laws, Rules and Regulations:
We want to be the model Bank of compliance that is respected and adored by our Regulators and by our peers in the banking sector. The Bank complies with all regulatory requirements in all its operations. Bank conducts its business within a well-framed control supported by bundle of policy statements, written procedures & manuals. The Bank ensure Corporate Governance practices at all levels which enables it to establish professionalism together with trust and confidence among the interested parties, builds capacity to operate business efficiency and creates a congenial working environment inevitable to meet the challenges of the present competitive business arena. Financial information is prepared as per financial accounting policies in line with the International Financial Reporting Standard and best financial reporting practices in the country. Public disclosure policy of material information has been adopted in accordance with the requirement as set out in legislation and in the rules and regulations of SEC, DSE and other applicable laws. Centralized Core Banking Software has been adopted to ensure strong risk management framework and better internal control. Any malpractice, misconduct, fraud and unethical behavior are seriously dealt with a clear adherence to laws, rules and regulations.
Ethical Responsibility – not acting just for profit but doing what is right, just and fair
We want to ensure high level of transparency and accountability in all our business transactions. Ethical responsibility at every stage is significant to carry out our duties. Our solemn promise is to transact banking business in a confidential & professional manner. We respect the views and opinions of others; their dignity. We seek mutual benefit in all human transactions.
Being a good corporate citizen: contributing to the community and the quality of life
The Premier Bank Ltd. does not believe in making profit for itself only. Our goal is to build the nation while we make profit through banking business. We believe that instead of just being a nation that buying what is made overseas, we can make things in Bangladesh, we can make best financial products and sell them around the globe. We are striving to elevate the quality of life by making effective contribution to national development. The Bank deducts income tax, VAT and excise duty at source to deposit in the government revenue fund. We are going green to protect our planet from environmental hazards. We are eager to inspire eco-friendly investment. We have created congenial atmosphere where people are happy and satisfied to work and can build a banking relationship with utmost confidence. It is a privilege to create a perpetual bond among the members of Premier Bank family by a comprehensive exposure to personal interaction and introduction. We care for the feelings, needs and experience of the society and share our interests equally. We try hard to ensure a better society and a more prosperous Bangladesh.
Voluntary and philanthropic
In 2016, we contributed Taka 118.45 million through our donations and charities program, primarily directed towards health care, social welfare, supporting educational institutions, research studies, sports development to ensure that the less privileged among us are put on the path to a more secure future.
Distribution of Warm Clothes among the winter hit poor people
Bank always stands beside the distressed people to wipe up their wailing tears. Premier Bank distributed warm clothes worth Tk. 92.00 lac among the poor people in the country to assuage their sufferings from cold wave in winter – 2016.
Contribution in Disaster Management
- The Bank extended a donation for 22.50 million to Prime Minister Relief Fund
- Donated Tk. 0.53 million for victims of KORAYL SLUM
Contribution for construction/renovation of Mosque, Madrasa, Mondir and other religious programs
- 500,000.00 to Dayarampur Bazar Durga Mondir
- 50,000.00 to Bangladesh Madrasah Teachers Association for Fatehai e Eazdtheham Program
- 50,000.00 to Bangladesh Jamiatul Mudarreseen for Fatehai e Eazdtheham Program
Education Support Programme
Taking education as a tool for social change, The Premier Bank has continued funding educational program that enhance the leadership and career development skills. During the year 2016 the Bank provided financial support to the following educational institutes:
- Tk. 500,000.00 to Sylhet Cadet College (Old Cadet Association)
- Tk. 100,000.00 to Velayet Hossain Bahumukhi Uchcha Bidyalay
- Tk. 145,000.00 for school bags to school going children of former enclaves areas
- Tk. 40,000 to Lake Circus Girls High School, Dhaka for multimedia projector
Donation on account of miscellaneous purposes
- Tk. 600,000.00 to Mrs. Syeda Siddika wife of Late Syed Ahsan Habib, Ex-EVP
- Tk. 480,000.00 to Ms Sonia Hassan wife of Shahed Major Mahmud Hassan [BDR Mutiny Victim]
- Tk. 250,000.00 to Mrs. Nusrat jahan wife of Sayed Rana Moostafa editor of Arthokotha
- Tk. 200,000.00 to Mr. Mehedi Iqbal, SEO
- Tk. 100,000.00 to the family of late Mr. Md. Salauddin Khan, Ex- Officer In Charge Of Banani Police Station
- Tk. 100,000.00 to Mr. Mojibur Rahman, Attendant
- Tk. 100,000.00 to Mr. Kamrul Ahsan
- Tk. 64,000.00 for hospitalization bill of Late Mr. Zakatullah Ziku, JO
- Tk. 50,000.00 to Mr.Rajesh Alexander D-Crruze, JAVP
- Tk. 50,000.00 to Mr. Mokbul Hossain
Contact Information
- 16411(Mobile)
or 09610916411(Overseas & Land Phone)
- 16411(Mobile)
42 Kemal Ataturk Avenue
Banani, Dhaka-1213 -