Premier Mudaraba Savings Account

Shari’ah Principles of Mudaraba Accounts

Mudaraba is an Islamic financial partnership contract where one partner provides capital (Raab-al-Maal) and the other partner provides labor (Mudarib). Income generated from the venture is distributed between the partners with a predetermined Profit-Sharing Ratio (PSR) and Weightage. All profit bearing deposit products are operated in Mudaraba principles.

Premier Mudaraba Savings Account

(A regular savings account for individual)

  • Profit bearing transactional account, calculated monthly and payable on half yearly basis
  • Opening Balance Tk. 1,000
  • Minimum balance to be maintained Tk. 500 for profit earning
  • 24/7 Cash withdrawal facility with debit card
  • No online banking transaction charge
  • pmoney digital banking facility

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